Your thoughts alone, wont cause reality

Your thoughts create reality, yes… because your thoughts cause your brain to produce chemicals which give you emotions.
But without that emotion, there isn’t enough energy to bring that desire into the physical universe.
So you must ‘feel it’.

The feeling is senior to the thought when trying to manifest.
By ‘senior’ we mean the most important. And when trying to manifest something that is wanted, feeling it is more important than just thinking of it with no emotion.

You think thousands of thoughts per day, so if just the thoughts alone could manifest things, we’d be in trouble. But the failsafe is that in order to create, you have to feel the feeling of HAVING the thing you want.

February 22, 2019


Your thoughts alone, wont cause reality Your thoughts create reality, yes… because your thoughts cause your brain to produce chemicals which give you emotions. But without […]
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